The Green Smoothie Challenge

The Green Smoothie Challenge
Lose Weight and Feel Great!

The Green Smoothie Challenge

Kick start your heatlhy lifestyle with The Green Smoothie Challenge! I have created this cleanse as a way for you to refresh and rejuvenate. Many people find that they lose a lot of weight, increase their energy levels and improve their health. So, come join the fun at my new Web site
Get your friends to do it with you. This makes it so much easier!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trusting God When Life is Painful

In the story that God has written for my life I have been encouraged by all that He has chosen to teach me through the trials He gives to me. The main thing I have realized is what an important part trials have in the story of our lives. Trusting God when life is painful is an important lesson that God desires all of us to learn. My pastor often reminds us that our lives are like a mystery novel that God has already written. He is not just trying to figure it out as He goes, but He wrote the special story of each of our lives with a very specific purpose. He loves to give us 11th hour surprises, comedy and trials in our story. The purpose of it all is to remind us that He is in control, it is already written and we can trust Him fully as our story unfolds!!! He will make good of our story. It is a comedy and will have a good ending! He lifts up His people and shows them that ALL things work together for the good of those who love HIM. Just like we don't read the end of a good book until we get to the end because it ruins the suspense and the enjoyment, so also God does not reveal to us His purposes for us or the details of our future. It would spoil the surprise! He truly wants us to learn to rest in Him and enjoy the ride. He enjoys taking us on the journey and having us turn to Him in the midst of it all.

In the end, our suffering will bring forth glory just as Christ's suffering brought forth glory. God simply wants us to learn to trust Him through it all. The true purpose of our trials is learning to trust God even when life is painful. He wants us to learn to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We will understand, in the end, why we had to go through all that we did. Press on. Heaven awaits us, eternal joy is the end of the story for those who believe!!

This life is truly about learning to endure trials. It is our preparation for eternity. In comparison to eternity, this life is but the blink of an eye. Love God and love your neighbor. Trust, persevere and seek Him in all things!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maria,
    This is one of my favorite poems that I thought would go along with what you are saying.

    Love ya!

    My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me,

    I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily.

    Oft times He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride

    forget He sees the upper but I the under side.

    Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly,

    shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.

    The dark threads are as needed in the Weaver's skillful hand,

    as threads of gold and silver in the pattern life has planned.

    Benjamin Malachi Franklin (1882-1965)
