The Green Smoothie Challenge

The Green Smoothie Challenge
Lose Weight and Feel Great!

The Green Smoothie Challenge

Kick start your heatlhy lifestyle with The Green Smoothie Challenge! I have created this cleanse as a way for you to refresh and rejuvenate. Many people find that they lose a lot of weight, increase their energy levels and improve their health. So, come join the fun at my new Web site
Get your friends to do it with you. This makes it so much easier!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Are You Tired of Being Tired?

Are you feeling tired, depressed, PMS, irritable, have eczema or psoriasis, indigestion, food cravings, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, dehydration, white tongue, toenail fungus, puffy eyes, decreased sex drive, food cravings (especially for sweets), acne, gas, bloating, low blood sugar, vaginal yeast infections, weight gain? If you experience a lot of these symptoms, you may want to learn more about Candida Albicans. It is estimated that over 90% of our population has this condition. It is simply an overgrowth of yeast in your intestines caused by overuse of antibiotics and lack of good bacteria in the intestines. Stress is also a major contributor to this imbalance. Read my Candida Albicans article series to find out more about what Candida is, what causes Candida overgrowth, eating on the Candida diet and the natural way to kill Candida.

It always amazes me to look around a room and see that some people are so peppy, full of life and energy and seem mostly happy. Then I look at others and they just look tired and worn out, all the time. I am one of those people that tends to be on the tired side unless I keep my Candida under control which is hard even when you eat healthy. You have to manage your stress level so that your immune system keeps up it's end of the bargain. You have to limit alcohol, which I love wine:) You can't eat much sugar in any form including fruit and you need lots of healthy bacteria. Exercise is important too. Well, I have 4 kids and a hubby and taking too much time to take care of myself is hard. But, if I don't, I can really suffer. Treating Candida to get rid of it if that is what is causing your symptoms will literally change your life. You will go from being one of those tired, never feeling well people to the peppy, full of life person you ought to be. It is certainly worth a try!! You will be healthier by going off of most grains and all sugar. It takes about six weeks to notice the change, but boy, when you do, you will not believe it!!

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