My name is Maria and I am the blessed wife of Tobin and mother of 4 wonderful little miracles. They are Max, 11, Dominic 8, Sophia 6 and Isabella 3. What a journey, to learn how to be a wife and a mother. We are not born knowing how. It is our life work to learn and God gives us the amazing gift of husbands and children to help us grow and be conformed to HIS image. I am no expert, let me assure you of that. I constantly fall short. I am on a journey to becoming well in this life. I want to be able to truly say "When peace like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'" So, join me on my journey. Welcome, and thank you for visiting.
By wellthy, I do not mean I am rich financially. I am well because I have been forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin. Along the way, I have also learned a thing or two about physical health. I believe we were created in God's image and I beleive that HE blessed us with so many wonderfully amazing, colorful, flavorful foods in their natural form. I believe if we eat foods the way God intended for our bodies to ingest them, we will live a life with more energy, vitality and health. I personally have struggled for many years from lack of energy and one way I have combated that is by getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy, whole food diet. I have given birth to four children at home. Not one of my children has ever had a need to take antibiotics and none of them have even been to see a doctor in two years. I do not say that at all to brag. I just say it to show that if we feed them naturally, they will most likely be healthier. I am blessed beyond measure with healthy, wellthy children!!! They certainly do each eat their fair share of junk food, but it is not the norm in our life. I want them to learn moderation and I feel it is unrealistic of me to never allow them to enjoy some not so healthy food because that is just part of our culture. I talk to them a lot about why we might want to mostly feed our bodies healthy food and usually they crave something healthy to eat if they have had very much junk food especially on vacation. I love to hear them beg, "please, mom, can we just get something healthy?"
I have often been asked what I feed my family. I have created this blog as a means to share some of what I have been blessed to learn over the years. I hope this is an encouragement to you!! Here's to your wellth!! Oh, and one more thing...I do believe true wellth cannot come only from eating a healthy diet. If we are unhealthy spiritually, we cannot become healthy through a change in our diet. So along the way, I will also write about what I am learning on my journey towards Paradise!!!
By wellthy, I do not mean I am rich financially. I am well because I have been forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin. Along the way, I have also learned a thing or two about physical health. I believe we were created in God's image and I beleive that HE blessed us with so many wonderfully amazing, colorful, flavorful foods in their natural form. I believe if we eat foods the way God intended for our bodies to ingest them, we will live a life with more energy, vitality and health. I personally have struggled for many years from lack of energy and one way I have combated that is by getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy, whole food diet. I have given birth to four children at home. Not one of my children has ever had a need to take antibiotics and none of them have even been to see a doctor in two years. I do not say that at all to brag. I just say it to show that if we feed them naturally, they will most likely be healthier. I am blessed beyond measure with healthy, wellthy children!!! They certainly do each eat their fair share of junk food, but it is not the norm in our life. I want them to learn moderation and I feel it is unrealistic of me to never allow them to enjoy some not so healthy food because that is just part of our culture. I talk to them a lot about why we might want to mostly feed our bodies healthy food and usually they crave something healthy to eat if they have had very much junk food especially on vacation. I love to hear them beg, "please, mom, can we just get something healthy?"
I have often been asked what I feed my family. I have created this blog as a means to share some of what I have been blessed to learn over the years. I hope this is an encouragement to you!! Here's to your wellth!! Oh, and one more thing...I do believe true wellth cannot come only from eating a healthy diet. If we are unhealthy spiritually, we cannot become healthy through a change in our diet. So along the way, I will also write about what I am learning on my journey towards Paradise!!!
Yey! I am so excited to learn from you Maria! I am equally excited to have another mom that has home-birthed....I think it is you and Sharon and I. Anyway, the next time I am pregnant, I will need to eat a gestational diabetic diet and that scares me senseless. I feel like you are an answer to prayer in that I will have an older, wiser woman to ask questions to. Also, do you sell Mannatech vitamins? I want more of them and am unsure what to do next.
ReplyDeleteHave you met Roseann Bentley yet? She just read the Galland book and was SO excited to begin changes for her family, so I linked her to your web article and website.
Yey! I just love finding sisters in Christ that think outside the box. I don't know if blog comments go right to you or not, but I will have to email you.